Janitta1's Blog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

My design 1 May 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — janitta1 @ 1:20 am


Composition includes:

Different vintage wallpaper

Brushes – create old/dirty effect

textured paper under all layers/ create old look

sharpened the image of the girl -create illustrated look

Heads of celebrities behind girls head –  girls thoughts wants to strive for success- wants to be a star like the celebrities.

A long road made out of vintage  wallpaper- represents her thoughts, that the road to success will be long and hard.

vintage style text- SUCCESS- thats all she is thinking about.

A brief overview of the meaning of the image, a young girl desperately striving for success, however she has nightmare about this journey to success as she knows its going to be long and hard with many obstacles in her way.


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